
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28967

The Master whirled with a snarl, prepared to unleash the TCE on whoever had dared to interrupt him.

"You don't want to do that," said the hand's owner...who the Master belatedly recognized as none other than Scott Chen! He eased his finger off the trigger.

"No?" he said. "And why not? It is you, after all, who inserted us into this ridiculous scenario in the first place. For that alone, I should kill you."

"Why not?" said Scott with a languid grin. "I'll give you three reasons." He counted them out on his fingers as he went along. "Reason number one: you can't kill me. I'm in control here, and I could melt your silly little toy gun like that." He snapped his fingers, and the unkempt kid's trenchcoat suddenly turned into liquid and flowed into a puddle at his feet. The kid whimpered and ran off down the hall. The Master looked grudgingly impressed.

"Number two: If you did manage to kill me, you'd be stuck here forever, since I'm the only one who can get you out."

"Oh?" said the Master disdainfully, but Scott ignored him and kept right on going.

"And three..." Scott smiled wickedly. "I'll help you cheat."

"At your own game?"

"Sure. It's all about revenge, right? I don't want anybody to win. Particularly not that annoying author, Ragan, and her stupid sci-fi friends. But you, now... I've got no grudge against you."

"This... cheating... you refer to. Would it by any chance involve, oh, say, killing the Doctor?"


The Master switched the TCE to his left hand and stuck out his right one. Scott reached out and shook it solemnly.

  1. Meanwhile...

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