
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28885

Fred walked up the steps leading to the temple door. He believes it's a temple anyway, although really all he can be sure of is that it's a giant stone structure in a jungle. There are carvings on the walls but Fred cannot decipher the symbols. A few parts of the walls still showed the blue color which probably once covered the rest of the walls. In any case, the structure could provide shelter from the oppressive heat of the jungle so he soon left the carvings alone and stepped through the doorway. He left the rope he'd been carrying on his shoulder by the carvings as it chafed and he did not expect to use it inside.

Inside the walls were decorated with more carvings and patches of blue paint. Some of the jungle had made its way into the temple which reaffirmed Fred's belief that it was deserted. Light came in through openings in the ceiling, though there was so much foliage growing on top of the temple some areas were almost entirely dark. Fred tried to avoid those parts because they made him strangely uncomfortable. At least the air was cool wherever he went.

After strolling through the temple for a while without finding anything other than empty rooms and more carvings Fred tried to recall which way he came from and realized he might be lost. He started to move in the direction he thought he came from when...

  1. He heard a voice mumbling in a chamber to his left.
  2. An armed woman sprinted towards him!
  3. Nothing happened, and Fred continued to look for the way out.

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