
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 27974

Fred, irritated by the nonsense choices he has to put up with, pulls his mighty sword and presses the point against the Troll's throat. A trickle of blood starts to ooze out of the wound as the Troll gasps for breath.

Alright, "Travieso", (yes, I remembered your knickname) how about staying in character? Hmmmmm? We've got a quest to complete. Now, you know as well as I do that there's no such thing as 4-wheel drive vehicles in this cave (or in this quest). Therefore, tell me what the keys are really for or I'll run you through.

The Troll gulps, looks at the keys, Belboz, and Fred, then makes a decision.

  1. The Troll confeses that the keys open the Dragon's Lair
  2. The Troll confesses that he stole the keys from a dead body he found
  3. The Troll tells Fred to bugger off

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