To Trust or Not To Trust, That is The Question...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 27797

The Champions, having never witnessed magic quite like this, are wary of Fred ingesting the substance Belboz has given him.


I would rather like to step up and use some elfin healing magery to attend to Fred's wounds. However, there would be hell to pay, I fear, if I did that. Would be seen as an insult to his abilities, Belboz would see it, I fear. That would cause him to part from us in a huff (and probably turn our new friends, Fred, mute Astra, and Checkers) against us as well. If only in protest against bad manners!

Though, I have to frankly question the usefulness of this (his words) simple country mage (who practices necromancy?!) I mean, my rather simple dispell magic spell completely abolished that rather shoddy armor he'd supplied the mute Astra with there! I mean, just by a simple glance at it with my mage senses I could have seen that dragon magic spells (should know....that is the style of magic I learned from my teachers, Sigin Dronocis and Regent Malachi) would have easily distorted the dimensions of the armor. Meaning that while the armor looked impressive, the dragon mage within (and I know he's around here somewhere, because we'd been told that the dragon was going to be playing with Checkers here) could easily cause the armor to crush mute Astra within her protective armor. Grave oversight for this mage. Cagey enough to avoid death by dragonfire or not, I still figure I....

No, I shall let our group leader's, Astra's, decision stand and shan't attempt to second guess her. Though that does not mean I shall not keep my own guard up as well, here. Oh, not on guard of this doddering old man (who I fear now must rely on spell "crib notes" to heal Fred). Ah, I guess it'll do (this odd, alien magic style), but I myself wouldn't trust my flesh to such as that. Well, maybe it's racial snobbery or something like that (though I rather doubt I'm one of those arrogant elfin elitist) but then again it's just that it comes down to what I feel is Belboz's question of competency.

One cynical side of me (a recently acquired side, product of growing up and loss of childhood innocence, alas) whispers the possiblity that this could just be all a deep deception portrayed by this simple country mage (who practices necromancy). I could be actually looking at Minestus (or whatever the Dragon's name is) in disguise here!

Ridiculous, though! It's entirely against almost all draconian nature (and ego) to appear as such an old and decrepted man as Belboz obviously is!

Totally absurd. Really.

Sigh. Used to be so much more innocent and that aside, I guess those glances I saw Belboz give this world's Astra make me less than...



Though, just as I look away at a wall a second, embarrassed with myself for such silly thoughts, I glance back at our proto-Dark Elven friends and...pause as yet another thought occurs to me. The Celestrials had been rather...sparse with their briefing information with us. Inter-Office politics was sited for the lack of data, and I....remember in all the chaotic mess the sudden glut of new potential elfin Champions caused....seeing a glimpse of a second pair of elves who looked....exactly like my new friends there! Being how the Hellcrew hated to part from their claims upon Fertal and Artizza.... the Difficulties placed upon Validation Quests due to Hellishly twisted and devious Negotiations.... Might this mean that the Hellcrew lost more than just these two proto-Dark Elves? Two couples? More?

Will ask Inquirer and the Doctor about that straightaway when we return. Hadn't done that before because of....things....

But now about Belboz....!

Ack, Jenny! Just let the mage alone in peace and let him help where he can. Just be ready, along with Jarlath, to save our bacon when his obviously feeble magic fails us!

  1. And so Fred ingests the magical substance Belboz has given him, and for some (like mute Astra) notice that the strange blonde/buttermilk colored haired elf named Jenny looks like she's on the verge of protesting but fails to do so.

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