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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2758

Latter....preparing to go out....

"I'd like to know how you're able to control that body.....especially when I haven't really done anything but made the most rudimentary of connections between gem and construct!" Sigin Vulpine asks (his new name....from dropping his old last name and replacing it with his mate's last name).

"You tied me into the receiver of this Avatar unit," Inquirer says, cleaning and inspecting her weapons as the demi-fox packs his supplies for the "road trip." "I interpreted the connection as a line feed, broadened the connectoin.....and now can't turn the blasted conection off!" The female AI/golem asks a question with her eyes at the last part, looking at the demi-fox.

"It works this way," Sigin murmurs....still more than a little ashamed at what had happened. "The process of tying the gem that acts as a brain for a golem to a spell enchanted body is permanent. Short of destruction of gem, that connection will forever bind you to the.....Avatar."

"Thought as much," sighs Inquirer. "So, I'm stuck as a golem? A real one?"

"Yes," Sigin murmurs, tail drooping. "I thought that the Golems were just soulless magical constructs just like the golems of my world! I never......"

The demi-fox looks extremely sorry as he explains that through his studies of recorded accounts told of how the physical brains....the thinking organ.....in human's literally burned all it's neural connections as soon as the conscious within was sucked into a Receptacle gem.

"Since you say that you electronic mind mirrored the human mind....." Sigin began.

"It means that every single data file I had in there was scrambled beyond salvage!" Inquirer says, smiling....confusing the magi. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not angry....like I said before. Somehow, the Phantoms got ahold of the codes to me and fed me a Seizure program,so they could come in at their leisure and make sure that the news that I had found something that actually might lead to a cure. This way....they only have a shell of an AI's recon/robot ship as a trophy! And they'll go and destroy that beyond recognition so nobody know's I'm gone!

"Without you coming along," Inquirer squats down and looks into Sigin Vulpine's eyes. "The hopes of whatever that dead Astra's body would be atomized....as well as eveyone else in the shuttle! No, I have a chance to go out and finally stomp those SOBs....and find out what the H**l is going on."

"What is going on with that, by the way?" Dragon Fred asks. "It's like the Jester is having fun with us on this!"

Inquirer paused, and decided to let the strange phrase pass. One of many that seemed to make the other Members know anew that each was an alien to this world....each having some phrases and a few customs that just went and showed that they were from alien realms. Most of the time, instead of asking what the speaker means....the listener just gathered the meaning of the phrase from context.

"One of three things occur to me, dragon." The female Golem says, rubbing at her gem on her forehead.

Lucky it's been magically strengthened that nothing short of hgh explosives can damage it the Golem thinks worriedly. Else I'd really be worried about how it'd be just so easy to smash it....and destroy my mind!

"A: Somebody high up has turned traitor in the Phantoms.....and is working for the Lizards," she said. "B: somebody in the Company finally got smart...and saw the handwriting on the wall."

"What does that mean?" Rosepaw asks from the side, herding her little kits into their cribs. "I'm not familiar with that phrase."

"Oh, sorry!" chuckles the Golem. "It's an open secret.....when this war's over....were going back Home and basically are going to hold the Company responsible for all the moral and social declines there.....it's possitively a nightmare for the civillians. Crime's rampant....doing anything to get ahead in life....even at the expense of other's lives.:"

"But until the war is over, you need them and they need you to survive against the Lizard threat," Carradene sighs as he comes walking in...overhearing this. "And without this little war.....the Company rulers don't want things to end....for they like the power they have.....and fear the righteous anger of the Military." The last is delivered in a slightly joking voice.

"Of course!" Inquirer said, surprise that it was ever in doubt. "We.....have plans on how to set things right....but....that's a different story."

The others blink at the slight smile the Golem had when she had been talking about overthrowing their government.

"So somebody wants this war to go on....if only to stall for time?" Alicai asks, suddenly seeing what's up here "If the tiberuim can't be mined.....then the war goes on. And the Phage....."

  1. "Right," the Golem nods. "You get the idea. If they delay long enough, they can get forces together to defend against or attack the Military. I only know that they should have prepared sooner!!"

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