And the Winnings are...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 27276

Fred was completely unnerved by these entire few days - he had gone in Quest to kill the Dragon of the Southern Caves but was sidetracked by a most beautiful chest floating in what he had thought was none-to-deep water. He fell deeply into the water, nearly drowned, but was saved when he grabbed onto a dolphin that just happened to be swimming by. That dolphin kept on swimming until it emerged into a lake, above ground, outside of the Caves! Fred wasn't sure where he was, but he made a fateful decision to turn his back on his Quest, his King, his country, he decided to go west. Of course Fred had always been told that in the west were the city-states and principalities, the municipalities and the nomad- lands, with the western deserts even farther off. He had never heard of this strange land into which he had stumbled, and even less of the terrible weapons they carried, these guns. Since arriving here he had wondered at their terrible power, surely they were the work of sorcerous smithies.

But he had little time to contemplate let alone ask about them for he found himself forced into an ancient card game. Luckily this game was played by the nobility in Allaria, but unluckily Fred wasn't sure what winning would do to the demeanor of the men who held him a hostage of sorts, but luckily they wanted him to win!

Fred glanced at the two men and their faces were hard as they drank their rut gut. "What have I won?" he asked with a tremble.

"Why come on over here and I'll show ye!" quipped the uglier one.

Fred followed and he led him to the bar where there was a map. ~~not another map!~~ thought Fred.

"You've won the grand plateau of Windstruck!" said the uglier one. But the whole bar erupted in laughter.

"What's...what is wrong?" asked Fred unsure of what was going on.

"Why honeybunch," said May Lind. "They're just teasing you, it's just that the plateau is ten days west of here, on the border of the Near West and the Carpath mountain range. The plateau overlooks the Grand Gully... and all that is yours too, honeybunch."

"But why are they mocking me?" asked Fred.

May Lind looked at Fred with a smile that was a mix of motherly care and lecherous abandon, "Why honey, that land is worthless...completely useless... it's haunted."

  1. "What?!!?" said Fred and the laughter in the room grew even louder...

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