Artizza is an elfin lass, not an idiot!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25882

Yes, she tackles the chubby little demon while it is distracted and brains it with a handy dandy rock, knocking it for a loop for a few seconds. A few seconds is, she knows, all she knows she has before this opportunity (totally unexpected) slips away.

Something is....making it hard for her to think straight ever since having come to this wondrous grove of fire trees. However, whilst she may be an elfin lass (and perhaps her libido now more pronounced or whatever because of least her elfin heart makes her now less repressed than she'd been as human), but she's no idiot!

Some might even say she now might make a great hippy (whatever that is), but that is by the by and not important right now!

Elfin heart still calling some shots, she reaches out and grabs the still tree bedazzled elfin man that she's....finding rather appealing (like he's her missing half) and then onto the still screaming human wizard.

Indeed, something within her (she's not sure what) tells her that mortals cannot walk the Hell planes and this discrepency won't last for long.

Thus when whateve Powers that be decide to sweep the wounded mage from Hell (or whatever) and back upon the mortal planes , the now free elves suddenly find themselves....

  1. Elsewhere, where whilst they are (for the moment) safe enough, they're....not where they'd thought they should be....

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