Cursed by a Chest

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25759

Fred opened the chest, hoping to find treasure or collectable postage stamps. The best part of Dragonslaying was the looting of the booty after all the gory slaying business was handled. But it was empty, save for some cobwebs and a thick layer of dust.

"@#%& you, !@#$%^&*!" said a hostless voice, resounding from everywhere and nowhere at once.

The chest had warned him he'd be cursed if he opened it, but he hadn't expected such a rude, vulgar comment. He was quite offended at the inappropriate remark. "You take that back!" he demanded of the invisible speaker.

"No, you @#%&ing #%@^!* why don't you go fook a goot!"

"Fook a goot?"

"Go fook a goot!" the voice repeated.

  1. Fred shrugged, why not? He fooked a goot.
  2. Fred ignored the voice, and continued rumaging through stuff before he would dispense of the rest of the dragon's family...

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