Violence! It solves everything! Again!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25450

Fred punches a dog. "YAYZ NOW DAT DOG AND MAIDEN SLEEPI I JUMPZ!" Fred jumps like a lunatic, while an insane narrator determines the precise definition of certain words:

Lunatic n. Loo-nuh-tik

1. an insane person. 2. a person whose actions and manner are marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness. 3. Law. a person legally declared to be of unsound mind and who therefore is not held capable or responsible before the law. –adjective 4. insane; demented; crazy. 5. characteristic or suggestive of lunacy; wildly or recklessly foolish. 6. designated for or used by the insane: a lunatic asylum. 7. gaily or lightheartedly mad, frivolous, eccentric, etc.: She has a lunatic charm that is quite engaging.

Most of these descriptions do indeed fit Fred.

  1. Fred kills the narrator.
  2. Fred keeps jumping up and down.

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