Once more unto the breech...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25220

Artizza and Fertal, meanwhile, announce they shall stay upon Moya until then, awaiting them . . ..

You can imagine how that was received. Yet, it was done well enough after they explained fully on what had happened to them and what they're going to be doing:

http://www. geocities.com /rule179/Plot Summaries/ elfdenial. htm

And who they were in greater detail:

http:// www.geocities .com/rule179/ CharacterBios/ artizza2bios.htm #Artizza
http://www. geocities.com /rule179/ CharacterBios/ artizza2bios.htm #Fertal

And then told of what these others had been through:

http: //www.geocities.com /rule179/ PlotSummaries/ 3ismagicnum.htm

And who these others were:

http:// www.geocities.com/ rule179/CharacterBios /artizza3bios. htm#Artizza
http://www.geocities. com/rule179/ CharacterBios/artizza3bios .htm#Fertal

Well, any objections after that are somewhat muted, shall we say!

Besides, the elves point out even though they are not right now on Moya (when the subject came up), they'd need to stay out of the way and out of trouble. Needed to . . . . do some thanking of some Higher Powers and such for their deliverances.

Any objections Betty would have as the elves go off to the Cloister Room to do just that (until the TARDIS arrives back onto Moya to pickup Crichton's wives) is stopped by Chiana (who's back in human form).

"Look," she says, looking Betty in the eye with her now golden orbs. "It's all sudden like, but let me put it this way. You probably know I am NOT the most . . ..er . . ..religious type, eh?"

Betty coughs, remembering what she'd seen through Farscape (the TV show) and nods.

"But let me tell you," she says softly as if to not be overheard. "That business about hell and such. Well, whilst I'm not . . .. well, let's put it this way. Just let them be and let them pray or whatever. Legends on my world say that's the best course of action not only for them, but for those around them when they do decide to join us in our next Quest!"

That and Chiana points out that those elves (who look exactly like E'eysha and Gilmuriel except for those inky black eyes) have been actually ordered to stay out of the current Quest business of the group until it is done. Thus meaning that for all intents and purposes, they'd only be in the background (way in the background) if anything. Thus, for the moment, they could be safely ignored in as far as our "adventureing" romp goes, as crude as that might sound...

"So let's concentrate on the here and now, okay?" Chiana suggests at the last, hands on hips with a slightly smug look on her face, as if knowing that this course of action she suggested was the best!

"Uh, right." Betty sighs, just wondering how she's going to explain this to the others as they leave to join up with them and get "back to business"! She feels it's going to take some doing, and it does, but they all put it aside for the moment to concentrate on the task at hand!

  1. They do have this one High Lord named Mobius to bag and his demented plot to stop, after all!!

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