In the Tree-Tops

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 24851

Within moments, they reached the top of the ladder and found a small group of elves, dressed in green robes and carrying torches. "Here they are," said the elf at the forefront of the group. His eyes were twin pools of inky blackness, yet they twinkled with some latent energy and understanding, and they bore into Fertal and Artizza like hot coals. "You are youngsters, certainly," he laughed. "You were obviously quite lost! We watched you wandering about and we had a good laugh! It has been some time since we've had any visitors from our northern brethren. There was even some speculation that there weren't any northerners left! But here you have gone and proved all doubters wrong!"

Fertal looked at Artizza blankly and shrugged, and she returned the same look. They both began to giggle.

"And they have come just in time!" Tursil rejoiced. "It is nearly Midsummer's Eve!"

"Indeed," replied the keen-eyed elf, "maybe they can even give a hand in the preparation! But let us set all that aside for tonight! There is going to be a full moon!"

Fertal felt a sudden rush of adrenaline(if it could be called that) upon hearing this, a wild sensation he had never felt before. Artizza became so giddy with excitement she finally let out a tremendous cry, which the others evidently found amusing. The green robed elves then beckoned for Fertal and Artizza to follow them down a simple walkway made of two ropes, one set higher than the other so one could grasp it and gain extra balance. Without any fear, they nimbly sprang after their elders, amazed at how easily they traversed through the tree-tops.

  1. They eventually arrived at a great platform...
  2. They eventually came to a great oak with a hallowed out passageway that seemed to go on and on...

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