Conjuring Trick

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 24336

So Belboz isn't dead after all! Checkers thought, hope reviving that she might somehow get out of her predicament alive. Perhaps he had just been rendered temporarily unconscious by the dragon. She saw the beast turn his head and look at the mage, who now seemed to be in the process of casting a spell. Strangely, the dragon did not spring at Belboz as she had expected, but just sat there, seeming strangely passive. Perhaps Belboz's magic was already having an effect on him.

Meanwhile Minestus was concentrating hard. He had to get the timing just right, if what followed was to be convincing. First, he shut his eyes, so that Checkers could no longer see them glowing and locate him by them. Then he slowly moved the "Belboz" apparition across the floor of the chamber towards where he himself stood. When it was only a few feet away, he let out a cry of alarm for Checkers' benefit, followed by the sound of dragon wings beating, the sound gradually seeming to come from further and further away. Then he dispelled the glowing "Belboz" and his chanting, followed a split second later by his own transformation back to his Belboz form, remembering to ensure that he was glowing. If Checkers should happen to notice the inevitable slight discontinuity at this point, hopefully she would think that it was just some side effect of Belboz's magic tricking her eyes.

He felt exhausted now; maintaining the illusion of a chanting Belboz had taken a considerable effort, especially when he had had to worry about other aspects of his deception at the same time. So the tiredness in his voice was not wholly simulated, when he said to Checkers: "Are you all right? I've managed to frighten away the dragon for now." As he spoke, he let his emerald glow fade away.

  1. "Yes, I'm all right."

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