Sacred Darkness

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 23904

Even as she began to speak the formulary of the Old Dolomite passage she stopped. A new thought appeared within her mind, a soft whisp of peace in an otherwise troubled situation. She began to sing in her own tongue:

Dathme Sakr, sakr akt, siel respues iden nos pakt. Awayt nu as mi, silen sakr, mi mbrase nuen sakr aft.

Sacred darkness, sacred night, the skies answer hidden from our sight. As we await you, sacred silence, we embrace your sacred night.

Minestus was not expecting this. In fact he had expected the words of his tome to be spoken giving him a convenient reason to reappear as Belboz. He wondered at this creature from across the skies, across the sea. Minestus licked his lips in anticipation of more cat and mouse games.

"Bravo, bravo little glideri!" said Minestus as he clapped his claws. "Indeed your sweet voice has lightened this whole arena!"

Checkers breathed deeply before replying. "And such a strange setting for an arena."

"Even a barrel-room has its purpose."

"So little frightened girls can come and hide?" asked Checkers with disdain in her voice.

"Of course!" responded Minestus enjoying the fear and hate laced into her voice. "Do not forget that I am Lord, I am the Master. My realm is vast, my tunnels and caves and lakes and rivers... I have many subjects here. And most would love to eat you for second supper!"

"Spies and monsters, loathesome thinges and creepy-crawlies," spat out Checkers.

"What better subjects can a Ruler have?" said Minestus and smiled.

  1. Almost as if on cue the soil beside Checkers is disturbed and a creature begins to dig itself out of the ground!
  2. Minestus, enjoying this game, wonders what it can use next to torture the glider.
  3. In the Keystone Room, an enchantment is broken.

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