Thrashing Things Out

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2388

After the naming has been sorted out, the three groups get back together, and Willian, Sigin, Dredrick and the Pack leaders (current and retired) join them, for there is much that needs to be discussed. For the moment, Probe is excluded from the discussion, for not everyone trusts him. By common consent, Malachi takes the Chair, even though she isn't physically present. "We must be as brief as possible," she begins. "Though the mages amongst you have attempted a magical repair job on the damaged shield, it's far from clear how long it will hold. As I see it, there are three main items to discuss: firstly, what to do with the multiple Crystallics which we now have; secondly, the state of the world, which is parlous for several reasons, and what we can do about it - this may be linked to the first item; and lastly, to discover where everyone wants to be taken on leaving the Atlantean city."

"There's something else that needs to be sorted out first," butts in Astra 3. "There are two sets of newborn babies here that have not yet been fed and which are crying with hunger. My 'sisters' are not capable of breastfeeding so many, even were they willing, which I believe based on the talk we have just had they are not. In any case, I'm sure that they aren't willing to have the same - erm - enhancement as I had."

"I have an idea on that," says Carradene. "Two of our women, in full wolf form, would be just the thing. They will have enough teats, and be large enough, to cope." An approving fox grin from Frederigo is all the go-ahead that Carradene needs, for he sees that Fred was going to suggest the same thing....and Fred is allowing Carradene the honors.

Carradene turns to an apprentice. "Eric, would you ask Verity and Johanna to join us, please." When the two young womanwolves enter, they are happy to assist. "However, there is one snag," says one of them. "Though we can turn fully wolf to order, lactating to order is something else." "Don't worry," says dragon Synizn. "There are enough mages here that that will present no problem." Within a short space of time, Astra 1's babies are happily suckling at Verity's teats and Astra 2's are doing so at Johanna's. Eric is deputed to "shuffle" the babies periodically, so that all fourteen get their turn at the twelve available teats.

"Now the subject of the babies has come up," says Astra 1, "there's something that I have to tell everyone - and Fred 1 in particular." (It seems strange to her to call him that.) "I am not yet ready to settle down with a husband and family. In fact I am not sure that I ever will be. I am a warrior by profession and by inclination. I crave the rush of excitement that I get from dangerous situations. And Alicia has suggested that there's a job I might be able to do for the Pack that would suit me, though she hasn't told me what it is yet. It's not as though I had any real choice in what happened when I had the babies, Fred 1. I am afraid that I feel nothing warmer than friendship towards you, nor any maternal instinct. I saw the way that you looked at your children, but I'm afraid that if you are going to bring them up it will have to be without me."

Fred 1 looks stricken, but before he can say anything Astra 2 speaks. "I feel much the same. However, I'm willing to go with you, Fred 2, and see if love grows, but I am not willing to take the babies along, which would make impossible the adventurous life that I want. I might be ready to have a family one day, but not yet." "You'd be surprised at how rewarding family life can be," says Astra 3. "I never thought I'd take to it, but now I wouldn't change it. Still, for all we look alike - except for one detail - I can see that nevertheless we are very different people, and maybe it really wouldn't suit you."

"I'm sure that the Pack could provide good foster homes," begins Fred, but then he sees that Freds 1 and 2 and Astras 1 and 2 are all shaking their heads. "They are human babies," protests Astra 1. "It wouldn't be right to have them brought up by manimals." "Surely from what you have just said it is immaterial to you who brings them up?" suggests Fred.

  1. Much argument ensues.

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