
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2376

"Hm," murmurs manfox Fred. "I was thinking something along those lines myself. I know who my wife is, and she knows me.....but I talk with others and hear 'Fred' mentioned, I've got to listen to the context of the talking before I'm sure I'm not the subject of discussion."

A murmur of agreement ripples through the room.

"I suggest we break up into groups," Alicia suggested, absently stroking her tail. "That way we can decide what to call each other....and air out a few differences."

A quick glance and....something else passes between manfox and vixen, and then manfox Fred smiles a canine smile, ears twitching and tail swishing at some thought he just had.

Well, the manfox chuckles to himself. It sure won't be confused with the other names......

"So I suggest we break up into something like analog kin with analog kin," Alicia continues. "The Astras will group together, the Freds will group together, and the Synizns will group together. As for myself, I have a feeling something will be addressed by the Astras that.....will concern me. Sigin, I see that look on your face, and if the Synizns don't mind....."

So, after a brief discussion as where everyone is going.......

  1. We first start with Fred's group....where an old Duke and a young cousin joining in because they feel they have a stake in this discussion.

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