Black Rocks and Questions

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 23296

Fred chooses a passage where he can stand up and where the air is reasonably pure. The floor of the passage is littered with rubble, slippery bits of shale and pebbles as large as a child's fist. The passage is also dark enough to require lantern light.

Suddenly Fred hears the sound of horses hooves stamping and human voices. He is sure they are human voices though a bit high pitched. Up ahead Fred can see where another passage crosses his own in a T. At the intersetion bright lanterns set the area aglow and Fred can see a large white draft horse pulling a series of bins on wheels. The bins are full of black rocks. Behind the train of bins, are two children who guide the bins and pick up the fallen rocks.

What are human children doing at this depth? Are those really human children? What is the horse doing there? Why are those black rocks so precious? What does all this have to do with the dragon anyway?

  1. Fred follows the train of black rock bins to get some answers.
  2. Fred continues on in search of the dragon

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