Dinner at the House of Goldenrod

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 23266

The House of Goldenrod was much larger than that of Checker's family, the Rightbrook's. The Goldenrods were one of the three most respectable families in Electric Pass, with connections all throughout the Red Dolomite League. When the statue was set into place, Robin turned to Checkers, and asked again if there was anything that he could do in return.

"What I would ask, you cannot give. I would like to know the decision."

Robin knew exactly what she was talking about. His grandfather, Sylvan Goldenrod, served as an elder of the town, and would know Checkers' fate. Both of them knew that for Sylvan to disclose it before it happened would be a serious breach of trust. However, he could give her some comfort.

"I do not think that it has been decided. When a Glider is charged to fight the dragon, my Grandfather comes to dinner very quietly and does not want to talk. He was here last night, and was his usual outgoing self. The decision still has to be made. Would you perhaps like to come to dinner next week?"

Checkers felt a surge of hope, and had to fight the urge to smile. Dinner at the Goldenrod's! This was an escape from social purgatory. All for giving Robin a practice piece. Maybe her luck was starting to turn after all. She felt a burden lifting from her shoulders.

"I would be glad to, if your family does not mind, with my status and all."

"The Rightbrooks have always been considered a solid family. After I finish this statue, I think that they will be willing to let me have the request."

Checkers thanked him. Robin gave her a friendly stroke on a wing - a friendly gesture that he gave and received several times a day, but one which Checkers had never received from anyone outside her family, and rarely even then. Checkers left the Goldenrod home feeling that, for the first time, she would find her place in the community.

The Burgess from Lightning Pass had come to the little village of Electric Pass for more reasons than evaluating the Goldenrod son for the Academy. The lot had fallen to Electric Pass this year to supply an ostracized Glider for Ceremonial Dragonslaying duties. The humiliating ceremony would be conducted at Lightning Pass for a general assembly of the youth of Lightning Pass and dependent cities, of which Electric Pass was one. The Burgess had met with the elders of Electric Pass, and they had the ideal candidate. She had problems on some of the performance tests for ability to follow orders, and had been warned. In addition, her excessive study of the old lore made her, if not a bad influence, at least a misfit in a small community like Electric Pass. Her problem was not defiance, though, and she had enough honour to perform her part in the ceremony with dignity. Even in her disgrace, she would not perform un-Gliderlike actions. She would be a good object lesson.

Sylvan Goldenrod would say little at dinner that night.

  1. Checkers is sent to slay the dragon.

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