
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2304

Don't worry dear Astra, Sigin sends to her as that worry crosses her mind. The trick is to be able to get MY shields to match the magical harmonic vibrations of the cities magical shields. That way you, I, and your children can pass through without resistance. This method is as old as the Atlanteans......because that is the way they were able to have traffic enter and exit small enclaves. It should work on this large scale version of those magical fortress shields.

Down and down further the couple the edge of the magical barrier that is keeping the strangely glowing city dry for all these years. The dragon pauses....appearing to hover inside the magical diving bubble, and then the bubble flickers. The dragon chuckles and then flies through the city's shield, and then glides downward to land below. Astra, however, spots something amiss below!!

"LOOK!" Astra screams over the wind, pointing at two prone figures on the ground below....near a plaza. "It's....."

It's Fred and Synizn!! agrees the startled Sigin. Something is wrong, their unconscious or something because.....

That's all the dragon can get out. The children, already wound up and fussy at being shocked back to the land of the awake by their mothers lound shouting, start to bawl for all they are worth. That doesn't last long, however. The beam of light....from a stunningly vulumpious and beautiful woman in revealing glittering dress holding a gawdy glass figurine .....causes the entire group of adventurers to pass out!


Sigin moans, and muzzily realizes he can't do more than twitch his wings. Bloodshot slit pupiled eyes can barely see, let alone focus on, the female before him. Blearily, Sigin's draconian senses tell him that this familiar.....and deadly!! In the background, yipping can be heard.

"Ah Sigin," chuckles the lady in a sultry voice. "Finally awake? Good! That will give me a chance to gloat before I carry out my revenge!"

"Thut?" Sigin asks, drooling severely since he can't get his tongue and mouth to work right.

"Oh you and your pipsqueek friends were so gullable!" chuckles the lady. "You REALLY think that with the death of it's leader, Minestus' Dragon Circle would stay together?! It fell apart before I could even BEGIN to address the long burried rifts that came to the FORE!

"You and your friends were responsible for my brothers.....death." the female's voice cracks at suppressed rage....and sadness. "I can't kill the children....though I can kill you tame knight and his mate! However....."

The dark lady, also known as the Dragonness Moreau, leans in real close to the disoriented Sigin. Sigin can't even manage to raise a puff of smoke....much less a jet of fire to incinerate Moreau.

"I have made arrangements that after......the fifty day jestation period for her and her......packmates......A regular Tod-fox for her and regular vixens for you and'll need at least thirteen Crystallics working in concert to lift the curse!! Not that you'll even have the one.

Sigin, as out of it as he is, still manages to scream a few filthy curse words....describing the dragonness' mother's preferance to female dogs.....before he finds himself covered in red fur and sniffing at a.....delicious smell coming from a....lovely vulpine female in front of him......his form shifts and he falls on all fours........


Sigin yawns and suddenly starts as he feels....a bushy tail brushes his hands. The wide eyed Sigin looks down in horror at the clutch of one dozen fox kits....who have shifted to hybrid form while suckling the happily panting mother....

Cries of dismay quickly break the taboo, and the adventurers quickly find each other....and their offspring.

"So....she wins...." Fred chokes out, deeply in rage. His tail is quivering at the barely contained wraith the small demi-fox feels coming on.

"Perhaps....not," a male voice says. The others turn, and Synizn and Sigin nearly jump out of their skins. A grey haired humanoid wolf, backed by a collection of other beastmen, stands behind them......

The grey haired wolf is holding a glowing staff. He looks like he's been in some type of major battle, because he's limping as he comes forward.

"Allow me to introduce myself and," the old wolf chuckles. "My name is Carradene....a wizard of some repute unfortunate family heritage brought me to near ruin. And with the coming of Sir Joseph Tisbitt, my family has truelly BECOME a family in all but blood. I introduce you to my family, the Pack!

  1. "We can't undo what's been done," sighs Carradene. "But we have this Crystallic thing. Do you have any idea what that is?"

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Grimm Reader (Yes, it's's Moreau's personality to a tee!)

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