The Dolo-Minestan War

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 22984

Minestus felt an increase in stength with the combination of the bullion and the coins, but squandered it in projects never completed and idle pleasure. A feeling of unease accompanied his growing strength. He slowly became obsessed with going across the Aryn Ocean, and exploring. Even Minestus knew that this was an irrational desire, as his power and comfort all lay in the Shreken Mountains. Eventually he pursuaded himself that this was just to be an exploration for exotic treasure, far beyond the sea.

Unfortunately for Minestus, the coins in his hoard were those of the Red Dolomite League, a small nation that was not only still in existence, but quite far off from his comfortable lair in the Shrecken, and populated by the villages of the stoic, isolated, and independent Gliders. Gliders were an unusual variation of man that had developed isolated from the rest of mankind. Over much of their lives, they had the ability to fly, although they lived in houses on the ground, much like other men. Their numbers had never been large, and they were very protective of their hunting grounds and their fields, where they could harvest the nuts and berries that grew wild. They were not well adapted for farming due to the same delicate frames that made flying possible; nonetheless, they founded several small villages in and around the Red Dolomite Range, and developed a civilization that could be considered at least as advanced, and perhaps somewhat ahead, of those around the Shreken mountains.

It took Minestus years to cross the ocean and locate the land of the Gliders. Instead of coming in a spirit of benevolance, he came demanding their homage as a King. This action would haunt him for the rest of his life, for Gliders are not willing subjects of anyone, and scorned the pretensions of nobility. Minestus declared war. The Dolo-Minestan War shattered the civilization of the RDL, and the aftermath was dismal for both sides. Minestus could win any given battle, but could not win the war. Glider cities were turned into rubble, but they held out in the forest and caves. Ironically, the price that the Gliders paid from the dragon's devestation was so high that surrender was now out of the question - they did not want to suffer in vain. The Glider coins in Minestus' hoard effectively acted as a curse. The fear, bitterness, and contempt of the Gliders gnawed at Minestus, and he finally fled the nation. The Gliders were even more distrustful of outsiders than they were previously.

Minestus, though still powerful, was weakened by the battle. Instead of taking the form of a young warrior when he moved amongst men, he was limited to the form of a feeble old man. He applied his powers to magic, in hopes of compelling the Red Dolomite League to heel. However, even he realized that if the League fell, he would die. He had to make them see reason.

  1. In his form of an old man, Vilinitiz, he journeyed back to the Red Dolomite league.

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