
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 22484

As soon as the Necromancer Belboz utters the word "moles," a half-dozen of the burrowing critters emerge from holes in the ground that appeared at Fred's feet.

Moles!, yells Fred indignantly. How in the name of the King and his glorious court are six furry little moles going to help me defeat and slay the mighty dragon?

Belboz the necromancer shrugs his shoulders and says: I dunno. It's not my problem. You're the one who cannot properly pronounce "ikqwsdcv" correctly. These are your varmints and your problem

Fred gets so angry that steam starts roiling out of his ears. Alright Belboz, he says menacingly, this is what I'm going to do about it....

  1. Fred stomps the moles to death
  2. Fred pulls his sword and threatens to kill Belboz
  3. Fred and the six moles continue the quest for the dragon
  4. Fred begs Belboz for the chance to redo the spell

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