Annoying Little Dog Revisited

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 22452

The dargon appeared to be out of flames in its fireproof belly, for it was now lunging at Fred with its teeth bared. Fred remembered the small dog he had chased off earlier, and knew exactly what to do. He swatted it on the bum and it ran away with a pathetic whimper.

This small adventure had nothing to do with Fred's real mission: To kill the Dragon of the Southern Caves. But now he had killed the mayor of a small, strange village...
This was a lot more serious than getting lost in a cave.

  1. He decided to leave as quickly as possible. There had been no witnesses, so he had a chance of getting away with the murder.
  2. He decided to tell the villagers that he had freed them from the clutches of the evil dargon.

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