Belboz’s Adventure Continues

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 21815

Belboz left Astra and continued on his way. He would deal with her soon enough, but there were more pressing concerns at the moment. Suddenly, he heard bickering voices up ahead. Apparently, two adventurers had come to a fork in the caverns and were deciding which way to go. Using his telepathic abilities, Belboz discerned the identity of each.

”I am in charge of this operation, and I say we go THAT WAY!” The voice was shrill and haughty, and belonged to Heather, an Aqualarian Ambassador sent to investigate the disappearance of Princess Astra four days previous.

”Listen, baby. If I had my way you wouldn’t even be here at all. You should be back at court looking pretty, not out here in these caves getting dirty.” This boastful voice belonged to the swaggering Sir Paulito. In the absence of Lord Fred who had been dispatched to rid the kingdom of Belboz [2], Sir Paulito had been sent on this minor sub-quest to find Astra.

”Don’t ‘baby’ me! I am your superior in every way,” retorted Heather.

”Fine, you might be smarter than me and all that, but a fine honey like you is meant to be seen and not heard. What say after this adventure we hook up? Maybe your friend Astra can come along?”

Belboz heard a slapping sound, along with a loud “Harumph” from Heather. Even though Sir Paulito was an arrogant ass, Belboz could sense that Heather was strongly attracted to him. He smiled at the folly of these puny humans. The two argued back and forth for a while and finally made a decision.

  1. Heather and Paulito turn down the cavern heading straight towards Belboz.
  2. Heather and Paulito go the other way, heading away from Belboz.

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Sir Paulito

11/12/2002 10:16:03 AM

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