Take Away His Favorite Toy

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 21624

Take away his favorite toy? Ask Fred.

Thats what the book says answers Belboz in a jolly mood.

Gee,thats some good infermation,says Fred to Belboz. There is only one problem. I DON`T KNOW WHERE THE DRAGON`S FAVORITE TOY IS!HECK I DIDN`T EVEN KNOW DRAGONS HAD FAVORITE TOYS. WHAT IS THIS?A FAIRY TALE BOOK!?

Belboz smiles. You don`t know that dragons have favorite toys because you weren`t supposed to. Dragons don`t want people to find out for obvious reasons.

Then how did you find out? Ask Fred.

Belboz sighs then smiles. Its a long story but very entertaining. So entertaining that I will have to charge you a piece of gold each time you want to hear it or we can get down to business.For 10 pieces of gold, 4 pieces of silver,and a sheckel, i`ll lead you straght to the dragons favorite toy. So how about it?

  1. Fred pays the money so that Belboz will lead him to the dragon`s favorite toy
  2. Fred pays Belboz the money so he can hear his story
  3. Fred refuses Belboz`s offers

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