Oh Dear! Body-Mind Dualism Has Gone a Little Too Far!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 21566

"Wow, that was unexpected," says the now-decapitated Belboz.

"That’s what you get for selling defective merchandise," retorts Fred as he retrieves his coins.

"Hey!" yells the Japanese boy’s head. "I’m not faulty!"

"Put me back on my neck!" yells the necromancer’s head.

"Me too!" yells Tenchi’s head. "Promise! I’ll be very good helper!"

Fred feels sorry for the heads and puts them on their necks. Unfortunately, Fred mismatches the heads and Tenchi’s head is on Belboz’s body. Tenchi’s body, however, is waving around a sword like crazy. The sword decapitates Fred.

"That’s what you get for putting heads on the wrong bodies!" yells Belboz’s head, which is on Tenchi’s body.

"You could have told me nicer. Now, put me back on my neck!" yells Fred’s head.

"No, I’ve got a better idea." Belboz’s head smiles smugly. First, he takes Tenchi’s head off of his own body and puts the head on Fred’s neck. Next, he instructs Tenchi to put his head on the correct body. Tenchi does so. Now that Belboz is in his old form, he conjures up a beautiful white horse.

"Oh! A nice steed for me!" says Fred’s head.

"Silly knight. You don’t ride a horse anywhere in the caves," says Belboz, as he puts Tenchi’s head back on the correct body.

Belboz then cuts off the horse’s rump and plants it firmly on Fred’s neck.

"Hey! This isn’t fair!" Fred’s head squeals as Belboz picks it up and places it where the rump once was.

"Oh, yes it is!" Belboz is still smiling smugly. "Come on, my young Japanese friend," he calls to Tenchi as he picks up his tome. "We have much work to do." Tenchi follows Belboz out of the room.

  1. Just leave Fred in his predicament. Seeing what Belboz and Tenchi are doing is much more interesting than watching Fred.
  2. Too many talking heads! Are we sure Fred isn't hallucinating?
  3. The band The Talking Heads appear to entertain Fred in his time of need...

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