All subject races feared the Atlanteans!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2106

Charles had been studying the darker aspects of Atlantian myth and legend. The Elder Race had set up wonders all across the world, and had enslaved countless races. Some races had been wiped out entirely on a whim, some had been created out of others just for the fun of it all. Charles was interested in the race that would be known as fireelementals .....and eventaully destroyed himself in fire to "join" that fiery race! Madness aside, one thing Charles had shared with Fred. No race EVER dared to disobey an Atlantian....else they might find themselves little more than a beast or pet of the angered Atlantian. They were masters of shape changes, and since the Crystallic was from that era.....and seemed to be such an item used by Atlantians...... And since it was a magical item, sometimes strong desires by the holder would be granted, if the user was lucky!

Another had something to do with something called a Matrix. A Matrix supposedly defined what shape a creature or person took. A lycanthrope supposedly was created by a process that involved an artificial Matrix shard trying to make itself whole by corrupting other human Matrixs....and never totally succeeding. Thus it kept replicating itself whenever another person was bitten. It was almost like the Matrix shard, the lycanthropy, was on a quest to become whole! Could it be that once the two weeks passed, a demi-fox's Matrix stabilized.....thus locking it's victim in his or her new form? Did the Shard become whole and stable? Fred was willing to bet his life that THAT was the truth!

"Heeeyaaaaah!" screams Fred, leaping the ten feet distance between demi-fox and dwarf. Sharp teeth clamp down on startled dwarve's unarmored hand. Dwarf screams and throws male demi-fox up against a tree, knocking wind out of little Fred.

Come ON! Fred sends to the Crystallic, holding it so tightly that it draws blood. WORK!!

The enraged dwarf grabs his axe one handed and takes a few steps towards Fred, then drops to the ground and begins to shiver....then is still.

  1. Astra holds a knife to the throat of the greedy lawyer as he awakens as Fred examines the dwarf. Perhaps it took a experienced mage to use the Crystallic properly. The Cystallic enhanced bite did effect the dwarf, but the lycanthropy KILLED.....

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