Fred Eavesdrops

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2055

Standing perfectly still by the entrabce, lest his armour-clad movements betray his presence, Fred continued to listen . . .

"So what happened then?"

"Then I bit her head off!"

Fred shuddered, but found it impossible to stop listening.

"So anyway, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much. Headed up to the salt marches last weekend to see some monks being flayed alive. Got a couple of scalps as souvenirs. Been to the inn a few times, started a few fights, stabbed some geezers. You know, usual sort of thing."

Clearly, Fed though to himself, whoever these beings were doing the talking, they were unlikely to be friendly.

Nonetheless, Fred listened on, as the conversation turned to other matters: local politics, ale, jokes, gossip, geography, algebra, existentialism, nuclear physics, string theory. . . It was not long before the intellectual level of the conversation was far beyond Fred's level of understanding.

This of course left him with but one course of action - to get in there and start killing.

Fred took a moment to collect his thoughts (scattered as they temporarily were by talk of dark matter and the death of the author) and then ran through back into the machine room.

Fred had not known quite what to expect, but he surely had not expected

  1. two small boys playing with a number of figurines in the shapes of ogres, trolls and other assorted monsters
  2. that the room would now be completely empty
  3. The University of the Damned
  4. The Spanish Inquisition!

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Eric Kantona

9/30/2004 3:51:21 AM

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