Opening the Door

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 20325

Fred opens the door. The sunlight blinds him for a second. Then he sees hundreds of people all spread out over a sprawling lawn. To the left is a towering hedge maze. To the right is a garden brimming with flowers. Half a mile straight ahead is an array of redwoods. Fred cranes his head upwards. A cliff lost in clouds above looms over what seems to be a scary mansion.
Due to Heroic Narrativum, Fred overhears two hook-nose, gap-toothed teenagers discussing how this is the best Markellian Family Reunion ever.
Fred looks around. In fact, most of the people were hook-nose and gap- teethed. That sure put some credit into what those court sciensists had been saying about what parents pass to their kids.
Fred ponders.

  1. Fred looks nothning like the Markellians. He will have to bluff his way through.
  2. Forget it. Go back into the lava area.
  3. Fortunately, Fred is also hook nosed and gap-toothed. He walks into the redwoods.
  4. The lava man attacks Fred.
  5. The lava man attacks the party. Several Markellian sub-lines melt.
  6. Fred gets drunk.

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