The Scroll Attacks

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 20207

Lord Fred cautiously mumbles what he thinks the last word to the scroll is. Just to be on the safe side, he tries to make his guess sound like it could be any number of different words, hoping that the magic involved will be forgiving.

Just as Lord Fred finishes off the last word, Belboz looks at him in horror and screams, "You fool! Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Belboz utters a quick incantation, and disappears. Lord Fred gets distracted by Belboz's antics and doesn't notice that he has dropped the scroll and that it has undergone a dangerous transformation in the meantime.

Lord Fred's thoughts are brought back into the moment when he hears a growling sound come from behind him. He turns back to the scroll to find it has folded in upon itself and appears to have changed into a rather large mouth with the edges of the scroll changing shape into rather sharp teeth. Right now the scroll-turned-mouth is snarling and growling at Lord Fred. Lord Fred backs a step away and readies his sword.

Only a moment passes before the scroll-turned-mouth lunges off of the ground towards Lord Fred. Without thinking, Lord Fred swings his sword and cleaves the scroll in half. The scroll screaches and falls to the floor, now in two pieces. Lord Fred breathes a momentary sigh of relief, but its cut short when he notices that the two pieces are still moving. In fact, they've adjusted themselves so that they are now shaped like the original mouth, only smaller. They look like they'll be ready to attack any second now.

Lord Fred considers his situation for a moment. While he could continue to valliantly attack his enemy like he has been trained to do, he considers that it may not be the best course of action because if the scroll continues to multiply as it just did, the individual pieces of it will eventually overwhelm him. The best alternative he can think of would be to try and burn the scroll. But he's not sure if even that would work. Who knows what magical properties the scroll has acquired in the messed up spell? Fire could make it even stronger!

  1. Lord Fred continues to attack.
  2. Lord Fred looks for some method to burn the scroll.

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Sir Toby

9/30/2002 11:17:34 PM

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