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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 19903

Slurp went the slime things.

The rat-like creature put its crossbow onto the ground by a small chair, the same one upon which it then sits. frrritzzz Fred sees no other chair, only stoney ground covered in dirt or the evil-looking smeely and slimey things. sllllirrrrp "Allow me to introduce myself," begins the furry thing. "I am Rikotyuki. I am a guardian of chests, including the very one you went after. What is your business here?"

Fred wondered what he was to say. guurrrrrrgle He had been saved a probable death at the end of a crossbow by claiming to be a servant of the Dragon. friiiiitz He was taken into this cavern by the strange creature for who knows what true reason, and the sight and sound of the evil, smeely slimies all around was starting to get to him. sllllurp Not sure of what to say he decided to say the opposite of what the truth really was. Fred put on his most valient face and proclaimed, "I am Lord Frederigo, sent by the Dragon to vanquish King Exultaine!"

Rikotyuki gives a loud, squeeky laugh. "YOU!?" he snorts mockingly. sliiiiiiirp "Methinks these are sad days when the so-called mighty men of the north joust amongst themselves, betray themselves and join conspiracies that mere boys ought not to meddle in!"

"I am not a boy!" contested Fred. sluuuuuurrp

"Nor are you a true warrior! But none of that concerns me. I hold no allegiences, to men or dragons. My only ally is treasure and shiney things." Rikotyuki pauses and`examines Fred. slliirrrrrrp "You look lost, I know these caves well, I know where many a tunnel exits these peaks. 'Tis a dangerous journey, but I would be willing to guide you...for a fee..."

Fred, of course, did not want to leave the caves. But a sudden thought struck him, if this thing truly knew the caves then perhaps it would take him instead to the Dragon. But what ruse could Fred give in order to accomplish this task? And what would its price be? guuuurrgle

  1. Fred says....
  2. Instead Fred accepts the creautres offer, Fred would need more knights to accomplish his task...
  3. Suddenly a sleemy slime ball smooched against Fred's left knee. Instinctively Fred raised his hand and killed it with a swift blow. The rat creature's eyes widened: "Uh-oh, you shouldna have done that!"

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