Differences and Questions....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 19050

"Well," says Ragan, "if this is one of those situations that runs true to the TV show, I suppose the place to look for him would be Amsterdam..."


"Not always a given but a place to begin," Betty says, agreeing with Ragan, "Maybe things won't go along like on the TV show, but we've got to start somewhere, right?"

Asking a few questions in order to best understand our query, so with a glance at Inquirer we non-verbally agree on who shall ask the first question. We can do that, despite our transformations, because of a common heritage. That and living and working together for the last decade has made such a thing possible. We both were AIs before our transformation. The only differences between the....well...."reality" for want of a better word and her's that I had come from and the one she comes from had two different things happen. One is that in the Alliance (my) reality "our" Terra Prime (as it were) got destroyed by an Enemy atomic missile barrage where "her" Terra Prime was able to survive. Yes, both commanding officers who had discovered those worlds had faced the possible career destroying task of telling his superiors of it (....not only was there more lifeblood for the War than all other sources combined....but let me tell you about the magical creatures we met...), but how it went from there....tragic for "my" version of Terra Prime. Another thing that would what had happened soon after our respective "Terra Primes". In her branch, the Alliance broke apart into civil war between the Military and the Company (which hostilities only ceasing when the existence of "our" Enemy came to light) while in mine the two stayed together in the Alliance marriage. In my reality, "my" Company had assassinated our Commander in Chief and "my" Military retaliated by "pruning" the Company's Board of Directors, placing executives into place with a more friendly disposition). In her's, they never came about (idea had been tossed about before by various folks, but was put down as too drastic and draconian at the time).

Have to wonder how many Alliances and such are out there. I had wondered in the past, while still an AI, why we hadn't crossed paths with any mirror versions of ourselves before now. Seems that the answer lay within the Dark Tower (or more like the Rules and Agents). They had mentioned something about that one Demon fellow, RF, having tried....but his efforts being thrawted. Get the feeling that if RF had been trying, it means that such encounters between Alliances would eventually have been disasterous. Don't know how, but.... Nevermind.

Back to the task at hand.

Point being, as former Military and Alliance AIs, sometimes it came down to us to have to play the detective. That's sometimes the hat those folks in the Intelligence business have to wear.

Since she had the last question in this business, it's my turn. Sure that Betty and Ragan know what happened in their TV show and all that, but I want to hear from the flesh and blood folks....get their answers....and thus get better handle on how closely the TV show relates to reality (or what passes for it here).

According to my religious beliefs, life itself (and all of us within it) are computer simulations of one sort or another.....

"Who's on the inside helping Omega?" I ask Rassilon, "Distorted into a Fifth Regeneration version of the Doctor or not, his bio data can't be that......well...."

I give the "undercover" guards of Rassilon a skeptical look, remembering just how uneffective they can be sometimes. When I'd spoken earlier to Inquirer's analog earlier (a version of the female Golem who hadn't been transformed) about them, catchign up on olden times, she had thought I had been joking.

  1. With security like that, who needs an insider to get what they need?

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