What is the appeal of the "Good Man"?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 19031

Meanwhile, back with those from Midworld who'd been in deep discussion....

Roland the Younger (aka Roland 1)

It's all almost too much to take in, but take it in I must and I shall. Nothing less will do, else indeed the entirety of Gilead will fall!

Now, mind you, if anyone else had told me and my father these tales.....

Well, let's just say at least I'd think them utterly mad. But....I trust him like....a brother.


Boy, that was original, Roland!

Now, like I said, if anyone else had seriously suggested the measures that my brother is suggesting, I.....know not exactly what I would have done. Probably would have seriously hurt the blighter who would dare utter such blasphemies. My father looked ready to go....er...."nuclear" as my older brother's friend "Eddie" said in passing when it was suggested. But after it was explained and all.....

Ah, let me explain about myself and my father (about all present day Gunslingers). See, at the bottom of it all, Gilead is what they call a kingdom. The exact olden term for what I and my father would be "monarchists". It's our duty and Ka to rule and protect the common folk! It's been thus since Arthur Eld came out from his pyramid to bring order back to the lands! It's the birthright and birth duty of all Gunslingers because of that, since we all (in some way) have the blood of Arthur in our lineage. Well, that's at least as far as it goes for the Gunslingers on Midworld, I wont. Must concede that much for our other-worldly Gunslingers! Only the fools who have joined the "Good Man" in his rebellion against the Affiliation believed in democracy and such nonsense. But the thing of it is, according to my older self, not only is that system in use (if only in other worlds than this), it works rather well! Now, with my everyday interactions with the "common folk" doesn't lend much confidence in the majority being able to....well....lead themselves. Oh, there are some that could do it (the one known as Susan strikes me as very competent)....but the vast majority? No.

  1. See, that is one of the problems my older brother and his father (the new one) had discussed earlier.....

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