Let Us Define Irony Here

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18838

"Given the strangness of the day," Eddie sighs, looking up at the Sivak, "That word's definition could use some work yet again, but sure. Go and fire away."


For a moment, I pause to gather my thoughts, and in that moment I can see where Eddie is coming from with his quip about defining irony. The human has a valid point here, after all.

Okay, let's us see how many things he's gone through and seen to make his day.

There is the fact that for the longest time he thought that his small group (a world weary Gunslinger, a woman in a wheelchair, a young boy, the young boy's pet, and he a former Herion addict) were the only one's who were going to be able to fix the Dark Tower. Never mind all the man hour- and resources nations of various realities spent on self defense. Nope, just them it appeared, until up and behold! Those within the Dark Tower were able to sort things out by themselves out mostly. Roland's aid helped speed things along, but it wasn't "mission critical" as it were. That's an irony.

Another irony is finding out that your life is chronicled in another world's popular fiction (hmm, can relate to that one).

How about Eddie's personal ironic situation. As a reformed addict, he'd told me that even though he had been "going clean" even before meeting Queen Astra and her gang, he still had the urge. According to him, all herion abusers get physically hooked and the only way to end the craving (even after "going clean") was a rather drastic step. See, the source of the cravings, he says, was in the spine. His brother, Henry, said that to stop that craving one only need to break one's own back. Huh, while Eddie speaks fondly enough of this now dead brother of his, Henry sounds something of an idiot to me (not that I say that aloud to Eddie).

How about the irony of Roland meeting Stephen King, an author of horror stories who chronicled the Gunslinger's life, unknowingly. How about the shock of King meeting Roland in the flesh? How's that?

Then there is the grandest irony of them all! how often do you actually meet a diety in the flesh? I'm not talking about those beings who styled themselves as gods (those poor, pale vanished imitations us Krynn folks dealt with for so long). No, I'm talking about She (or...Whoever) who actually made all of reality (and just not one miserable planet)! Still can't remember it all very clearly, that meeting, but....I know I will alway....cherish it. So will he and the others, I feel.

There are all kind of ironies here. Eddie and his gang are taking it well, all considered.

But then while on a smaller scale, I'm sure, the situation I and my fellow Draconians are facing, it's still jaring for me. I explain the situation to him.... "The dragons who's eggs you came from are here?" he blinks, "And you.....heh."

  1. "Okay, that is a bit ironic and I see your problem here," my friend says slowly, thinking.

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