In The Beachside Caves

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18820

A couple dozen feet in was a large, red treasure chest.
Fred grabbed both sides and pulled. His knees quavered with the effort but the old, weatherbeaten lid gave...lifted...and tore itself off it's hinges.
Fred tossed the worthless wood aside and looked in the chest. What did he find?

  1. Power Gloves, that let him lift twice his own weight with ease.
  2. Nothing whatsoever.
  3. A Red Ruby.
  4. A sword.
  5. A Cloak of Protection. Simply wearing it would be as if one was wearing a well-crafted suit of armor. A sword blow to a bare arm would glance off as if the arm was metal.
  6. Boots Of Fire. It afforded one protection from lava.

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