The Worm Turns

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18748

Fred entered sickbay, and stopped in her tracks. Dr McCoy and two male orderlies were standing in the corner of the bay with their hands in the air, menaced by the phasers held by Nurse Chapel and a female orderly.

"Ah, Lieutenant Uhura," Chapel said. "We're taking over the ship. Have you come to join us?"

"The two of them seem to be gripped by some strange delusion," McCoy said. "Try to talk them into seeing sense, Uhura. I've tried myself, of course, but they seem to think that anything that a mere man says should be ignored."

  1. Fred was seemingly more resistant to the whispers in her mind than were some of the other female crew members, and she tried to make the two other women see reason.
  2. "Talk them into seeing sense?" Fred said. "They obviously already are seeing sense."

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JH (Nurse Chapel got treated so much as a doormat on Star Trek that I don't blame her for mutinying)

2/23/2002 12:47:06 PM

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