
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1867

The sealed cavern looked as if it were hollowed out of some primordial mountain and Lord Fred recalled that many kilometers above him, above the Southern Caves, were the hillocks of Kamaresh, and what were these but the foothills of the Mountains of Shreken. As a boy he had been less than a studious apprentice, yet in his early teens a new appreciation of learning and knowledge had sprouted within him. He remembered how he envied the knights when they left the bounds of Suffex and began their trek across hill and vale to neighboring duchies, counties, and baronies, or deeper into the world outside of the Kingdom. He remembered how he wanted so much to be a knight, to have their knowledge, their skill, their opportunity.

His thoughts, however, were stilled by the emergence of a voice. It resounded throughout the cavern and it came as if from nowhere - or everywhere! It was a strange gutteral voice, harsh, serpentine, and it repeated the words: "There will always be."

The voice echoed in the sealed cave, and it was followed by other voices - some female, some male, some beautiful, others not. The worst of it was that they were all pounding within poor Lord Fred's head!

..."There will always be,"...

....."in or out, out or in"... ..."you can feel".. .."outside".. .."you can see the".. .."inside"... ..."you can feel the difference".. .."there will always be".. .."difference".. .."outside".. .."stop"... ..."inside".. .."stop".. .."you can see the".. .."stop".. .."stop".. .."you can".. .."always be".. .."dragons".. .."the knights knew".. .."hahahaha".. .."were supposed to breathe fire".. .."to breathe fire".. .."inside".. .."and occasionally get themselves".. .."get themselves".. .."get themselves slaughtered".. .."stop".. .."slaughtered".. .."outside".. .."slaughtered".. .."slaughtered".. .."slaughtered".. .."for two".. .."slaughtered".. .."because".. .."heeheehee".. .."because there will always be".. .."difference".. .."dragons".. .."breathe fire".. .."fire".. .."fire".. .."stop outside".. .."the knights".. .."slaughtered".. .."knights slaughtered".. .."knights were supposed to occasionally get themselves slaughtered"....

Lord Fred screamed out: "STOP!!!"

And so it happened. The noise within his skull subsided and all was silence. Fred fell to the floor and, grabbing his knees, lay there in a fetal position. His mind was awash with too many images, remembrances, fears. Was this the end-all of knighthood - death at the hands of an unknown enemy?!? The barrage of voices seemed to have flipped a switch within the poor knights deeper cerebrum, he lay there slowly rocking himself - and though the voices had ceased without, within his own mind a new series of tortures began.

  1. Fred lies many hours upon the dirt and stone in a silent battle yet, once all was said and done, he rose from the ground - a stronger man.
  2. Fred the Mad (as in crazy, loco, unbalanced or just plain nuts!)

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