Hush little one! Don't cry.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1851

"But father!" complained Lady Fredrina. "I want to go out and find my brother....if he's still alive!

Lord Dredrick sighs, and then leans down from his warhorse to hug his stuborn daughter. Then, uprighting himself, he looks down with a firm look that silences any more protests from her.

"Young one," he says in a firm, but somehow tender voice. "Your mother needs you! If something was to happen to her only possible child.....I shudder as to how she'd handle it! It would shatter her!"

A single tear courses down Fredrina's face as she bows her head. How could so callus as to have not thought of that! She then looks up as her father continues.

"Not only does Mother need you," the older man says quietly. "I feel that certain.....parties who desire the thrown will take advantage of the situation. If you hear or see anything that threatens the what Honor dictates! Remember, you are a D'Honaire, and as and die by honor."

After a tearful farwell, the knights split up to go off to various points in the land.....on heard rumors or guesses of where Frederigo might be!

Duke Frederigo himself stubornly rode back to the last known place of Fred.....his dear son. Soon, after clearing the guard positions of the King, Dredreck enters the lair of damnation: Minestus's lair.

Dredrick remembers long ago....being tempted by an agent of the damn wyrm. An easy rode to fame, fortune, and riches, that agent had promised! For a horrifying second, he had almost accepted the secret alliance, but then his vows of knighthood rang in his head. He did his duty, and had ran the SOB through! The fact that he had been tempted...even for a second....had shamed him! Nobody knew but him, but that was enough. He strived to raise his children to live up to the ideals he had....almost turned his back on. Now, perhaps something the dead dragon had could help him....after all.

Piles of treasure that had not been damaged in....whatever had happened stand in corners....awaiting classification from his Majesty's wizard. One item in particular.....could be what the desperate father needs. The Duke steps past the punchy mage, who's examining a glowing sword.....and speaks while gazing into the magic mirror of the hall.

....Mirror, mirror of the Dragon Hall......

....Please tell me where my son did fall?......

The mirror's murky surface swirls, and then flashes!

The startled mage's head jerks up, only to see the image of the Duke being pulled into the mirror....and vanish!

"Oh dear....." gasps the mage. "This is no good at all!"

  1. The older D'Honaire lands with a surprised grunt as he appears just above the streets of a murky...alien appearing city. The Duke's head swings around in surprise when he hears the sound of....Fred!He's alive!But....where? Echoes are everywhere!

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