Walant's Facade

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1840

Fred set off on his quest to find Ibn the Small. He walked down a dirt street and realized how good it felt to be human again. The feel of chainmail on his flesh reminded him of who he really was - a duke's son and a knight, not some red-skinned freak worthy only of death. The brown robes that covered his armor, however, reminded him that he was a stranger in a strange land.

Fred was on his guard - someone had tried to kill his quest companion and his children. he felt conflicted when he thought of his offspring; one minute he wanted to hold them, the other he just as rather leave them on some herbalist's porch and be done with them. He shook his head and concentrated on the task at hand.

Not knowing the locations of animal husbandries, Fred decided it more prudent to first assess the city itself. The great walls had impressed him much and he wondered at what other luxuries this place afforded. Though he and Astra had been in the city for days, they had elected to remain in the Goat-Head Tavern waiting for Synizn. It was quite a shock, then, when Fred arose on a hilly section of the city and saw the Norman walls anew.

~~they're not complete!~~ he gasped. Indeed, looking about from the higher ground Fred saw that the "city" was nothing more than a township. There were high buildings and towers near to the protective walls but the majority of the structures were wooden dwellings, small establishments, and open spaces for animals and tents. ~~a small cavalry could route this scum in a day's time!~~ thought Fred. After amusing himself at the thought of this horrid place's downfall, he continued his quest heading down streets and alleyways towards one of the four open spaces he had seen on the hillrise.

  1. He finds himself speaking to Master Plete of the Suess Hogwash & Aviary
  2. Before he reaches any animal husbandrie he encounters a knifing-in-process

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