At Alston's Place....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18313

The best person to help with that would hopefully be those two mysterious elfin Champions, Morgana and Rugen (who Doctor Four was slated to pick up right now)....

"Where exactly did Doctor Four show up at, this time?" Triakoth asks as he sit's on Jarlath 2's shoulder as they fly his magic carpet back from Nantucket's airport. He'd met them soon after being dropped off by the elfin Doctor here.

It had been a grand adventure he, the Doctor, Romana, and those elder Champions had been on and Triakoth couldn't wait to tell the others about his "validation" quest for the Rules and Agents (as well as meeting Stacy and others, re: 17328). The pixie wanted to tell the others all about it, but first he wanted to know the latest from them about the Doctor going off to fetch Rugen and Inquirer. The former Time Lord and Lady had, after being magically contacted by Inquirer about perhaps retrieving the elder Champions for her wedding, had piled into their TARDIS and set off to Rifts Earth!

Frankly, Triakoth was just curious on how off target the Type 40 would be this time. While the machine's chronological control was nearly perfect going from universe to universe, the spatial co-ordinate control was a bit spotty. He'd learned that the hard way

"It ended up in Marion Alston's place," Astra 9a said, "Was in the middle of the day, but the Captain was surprised to be greeted by a blue box when she finally had gotten back from England and that business with Exotica and her mother."

"Yep," Rugen muttered softly as he looked up at the slightly liquor cabinet, "Marker's Mark, just like in the book."

Rugen, still an avid bookworm even after all these centuries, remembered that that Marion Alston (though not a habitual drinker) had been said to drink this brand from time to time. Point in fact, while she wasn't a drinker, it was said that her favorite brand was this.

"Again, I'm dreadfully sorry for having tresspassed," the Doctor said contritely, looking up at the stony faced Alston, "It's the TARDIS, you see. She is like a person and sometimes....well...."

"I believe the term is that she has 'a mind of her own.'" Swindapa says from the side, "Ian Arnstien had said that your TARDIS had that habit."

Her friend had said many odd things about this and the other odd person, this Time Lord. Being that she belonged to a social class (a priestess of Moon Woman) which demanded mnemonic system to remember all Her holy writs and the will of the Stars (had to.....her people had only recently been introduced to the concept of a written language by Marion's people), Marion Alston had to blink slightly and concede the point.

She'd actually forgotten about that piece of trivia with all the insanity of late. So nice for 'Dapa to remember that and remind her!....

"Ah," Alston nodded, "No problems or damage done."

"Good," Morgana smiled, "Glad to hear that."

She then turned towards the Doctor, who's quietly hashing out with Romana with just who they should pick up next. She heard names like "Brill", "Kang", and "Slith", amongst others, but when they got to "Avon" and "Blake" Rugen makes a surprised sound.

"The Avon and Blake from Blake's 7?" Rugen asked excitedly.

Even Alston isn't sure exactly how it happened, despite being there when it happened, but somehow it ended up that Morgana and Rugen talked the Doctor into having them come along with them on their pickup of those and some of the other B7 characters (Alston had gathered that much about the people to be picked up after "Brill"...who in turn was going to be after the Draconians (?)).

That said, the elves were all going to pile back into the TARDIS when they get a call form Jarlath 2, who wanted to speak with Morgana about person.

After a few minutes, the man in question (along with others in tow) come flying up on a carpet....

  1. "And here I and most others make do with bikes," Alston said softly to nobody in particular.

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