Up Up and Away

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18251

Fred quickly realizes that her new wings aren't just part of a costume - they're actually attached to her back! I wonder if I can fly? she thought.

No sooner had she formulated the idea than her wings began to beat. Faster and faster they went, until suddenly, Fred felt herself lift off the ground! She gasped and clutched the wand as she shot up into the air, the ground seeming to be hundreds of feet below her (although she soon realized that since she was now much tinier than before, it was actually only a few feet).

"Oh - oh my!" she exclaimed as she hovered in midair. Tentatively, she tried a few simple maneuvers - turning, then raising and lowering herself, and so on. A few minutes later, Fred was flying through the air with ease, rolling and swooping around as though she had done it all her life.

"This is wonderful!" she giggled as she did a loop-the-loop. All her previous cares and worries seemed to be forgotten as she lost herself in the intoxicating feeling of self-powered flight.

"So, do you like this?"

"Oh, yes!" Fred excalimed. "It just feels so wonderful - like nothing I've ever felt before!"

"I'm pleased that it pleases you."

"Oh, it does! Thank you ever so much! It's -" Suddenly, Fred realized that he was actually thanking the mysterious voice for forcibly turning her into a fairy. "Ummm, what I mean is..."


A bit embarassed, Fred quickly landed by the wardrobe. She noted that even beforehand, it had been huge - big enough for her male self to actrually walk into. Now, it seemed monstrous - stretching up for what seemed like forver.

"In case you're wondering," the voice said with amusement, "You're now a little less than three inches tall. Would you like to see what you look like as well, my cute little fairy?"

  1. "Well - okay, sure, I guess."
  2. "No - no thanks."
  3. "I don't really care - just change me back!"
  4. "Why should I? You seen one fairy, you've seen them all."

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