Draconian Encounters....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18219

"I have quite a story to tell you, Mother," I say, "but first let me introduce my new friends."

So, with those words, Exotica introduced Jarlath 's group, Fred the satyre, Astra the satyre, the Voyager's human seeming Doctor (who'd come along in case his patient's condition needed stabilizing), Swindapa (who'd conferenced with her mother to get permission for this group to approach so closely to the Great Wisdom), and Marion Alston (Swindapa's...er...partner and a representative from the Nantucket Council). She explained to her mother what had happened, and why it had happened. This included, of course, just why both were now demifoxes.

"Hmm," Exotica's mother said softly, fox ears perked a bit to the side as her tail swished softly as she took it all in, "That's a lot to take in, to put it mildly.

Point in fact, she felt....wonderful! Boundless energy, something she hadn't felt in years (and only when she was a young child), coursed through her! So what if she no longer was human! She was free! Her daughter was free and her husband-a vile man if there ever was one-how could she have married one (and not have seen it?)-was dead!

Being a demifox forevermore was a small thing for the former queen to adjust to, if that was the price. That decided, the transformation mentally accepted and thus was locked in place, permanently.

"And the rightful king shall rule soon according to you, daughter?" Exotica's mother adds, nodding in thought, "That is good for the Great Kingdom as a whole.....but a bit awkward for both of us, eh?"

Exotica chuckled a bit herself, being of one mind with her mother on this matter.

See, whilst Exotica's mother may want to go home now under other circumstances, it was certain now that both she and Exotica will not want to, now. As for Exotica, having been, perforce, working for her father until very recently, she would feel a little uncomfortable in an Allaria ruled by Cederik, wondering whether he totally trusts her. Not to mention being a demifox in a kingdom that's rather suspicious about such things. Plus having had a taste of adventure, she now want some more.

"Oh my, it's contagious," the Doctor muttered to nobody in particular, wondering just what would come of this.

Marion Alston kept her own opinion held firmly behind a neutral mask. Her opinion of "adventure" was it might seem glamorous while it was happening to somebody else, far away, it was nothing but TROUBLE when it was happening to you....here and now. Frankly, though, the US Coast Guard captain had seen enough of the adventurer's character to know they had a different view on things.....

As for Exotica's mother.....her reasoning for not returning (or desiring to return) was the same as her daughter. Furthermore, she stated that after hearing about Terra Prime, she'd like to try her luck on Nantucket Earth.

"No offense," she said hastily, "But I don't wish to present any possible point of contention between Queen Astra and whatever is left of the Great Kingdom of your world."

Jarlath and the other had mentioned that a few colonies had survived, but had ceded control of themselves over to Aqualaria soon after hearing of the goings on back home. Jarlath frankly thought that the odds of a possible push to install the small demifox woman before her as a queen of a defunct nation was absurd, but not being of a political mind, figured it must make sense....somehow, to those more inclined in that murky art.

So be it, Jarlath said to himself.

Needing some kind of quarters and a lively hood, Exotica's mother approached Captain Alston and asked if someone of her credentials could perhaps be of aid to the Republic of Nantucket (as it was calling itself). After all, she explained when she learned of it being a republic (and not a monarchy), while they might not be a kingdom, the rest of the world wasn't that way. What else but a former monarch for handling monarchies in the diplomatic circles.

"Should prove...interesting when I mention that to my associates," Alston said, noding slightly and suppressing a smile at what kind of scene such a diplomat would make in some of the more well established empires of this time.

So that said, they soon departed back to Nantucket. Job applications were made, and adventurers went on their way to do some shopping. See, the irony here for Jarlath and friends was that they'd hope to complete their wedding present shopping tasks before returning to Nantucket Earth, but needs had dictated otherwise. Oh well, they did their shopping here instead for Inquirer's and the Doctor's (the Timelord one). That and a quick jaunt for a gift for the satyres (who'd not be talked out of waiting any longer for being wed....and the wedding night).

The satyres were happy with a small, private ceremony with a few witnesses at a small chapel, and they made an odd, but nice couple!

Well a day.....

It was soon time to depart on the next adventure. The adventurers were getting prepared, noting idly as they did so that yet another set of odd wedding guests (this group consisting of some of those that Inquirer had asked for when she'd heard about Queen Astra meeting htem) coming out of the elfin Doctor's TARDIS (Inquirer's Doctot's TARDIS was still being fixed up from that one adventure from the Red Pyramid fiasco to make it worthy of inter-dimensional flight).

That's about the time when a Sivaak Draconian named Slith is hit by a vision from the reality that Jarlath's group was heading for!

He yelps as he suddenly gets a far off look in his red eyes......

It's of the recent happenings of what's been going on since the actual resident Fred and Astra of the Terra that Jarlath and his group are heading off for right now. Seems that some recent

(Note: the next part comes from episodes 14601, 14469, 14260, 14255, and 7060. They were written by Karen Ford, Bill L., and JH).

Reluctantly, Fred got up off the pillows and walked over to the wardrobe, not noticing as he did that his gait was now much different than it had been a few moments ago.

<I don't like this,> he thought to himself rather sulkily, <But I suppose I should at least make my own choice than let him - whoever he is - make it for me!>

Upon opening the wardrobe, Fred was surprised at some of the choices he found, and soon found himself comparing them critically, wondering which would look best on him. Finally, he settled on:

A suit of armor - but one obviously designed to be worn by a female.

Fred decided that there was nothing for it but to put on the suit of armour, as this was easily the most suitable for him or, perhaps more correctly, her to continue on the quest. It was obvious that the suit was made for someone maybe ten inches short of Fred's height.

Putting on the armour was familiar, although the feeling of her swelling breasts pushing against the firmness of the breast plate, which was itself already adjusted to take account of the more feminine shape. Despite the apparent smallness of the suit of armour, Fred found that as each place was put in place her body seemed to fit rather well. Even though the waist was clearly designed to fit a very slim 24 inch waist, Fred sucked in as best she could and found that was previously 32 inches fitted perfectly.

Fred looked into the mirror inside the wardrobe door and . . ....saw his very masculine head on top of an obviously feminine shape.

Fred surveyed the form in the mirror with some surprise. From the neck down, Fred had become a quite fetching woman, encased in a suit of mail and armor that both protected and showed off a delectable figure.

Sitting atop that form, though, was Fred's old male head, complete with scraggly looking beard, pugnacious nose, and scar he'd gotten across his right cheek from his fight with Lucien the Bastard Knight.

It made an odd-looking combination. "This just looks - wrong!" Fred exclaimed, still not used to the high-pitched soprano.

"Why, you're quite right, my dear," the voice said mockingly. "But don't worry - I believe I can fix that."

Fred watched the mirror in a mixture of anger and fascination. The beard melted away, leaving his face bare and youthful looking. The nose straightened, and as it did, it shrank, becoming petite and upturned. The angry red scar faded, leaving the skin smooth and rosy. The lips turned large and lush and bow-shaped. The eyes grew large and long-lashed under arched brows, turning from dull green to a bright sky-blue. The hair darkened from sandy brown to a raven-black, and lengthened, forming a braid which lay softly over Fred's shoulder.

Within moments, the last bit of Fred's masculinity had vanished, leaving her the gorgeous, armor-clad woman she saw in the mirror.

"Oh, excellent!" the voice laughed sardonically. "I must say, my sweet Lady Fred, you make quite a fetching young woman!"

"I'm so glad I've provided you with some amusement!" she snapped. Fred was irritated with the unseen voice - but she also found herself agreeing with it that she was a very beautiful and impressive-looking woman. On some levels, she found she even liked it. And that just irritated her even more. "So, now what happens?"

"Why, as I said, milady, when you chose your attire, you chose your destiny as well:"

"You now wear the armor and rank of your new position - Captain of the Defenders of the Holy Dragon."

"What!" exclaimed Fred. "I came here to kill the dragon. I have no intention of serving him, regardless of what armour I may now wear. And what's this nonsense about the dragon being holy?" "Why, so he is viewed by his followers," said the disembodied voice.

It went on: "But there is something else that you may care to think about, Lady Fred. As you may know, the dragon is also a powerful mage. What has happened to you recently must be the work of a powerful mage, I think you will agree. How long is it going to take for you to put two and two together?" "You're the dragon?" Fred said in amazement. "I am. Of course, knowing you, it was a foregone conclusion that you would choose that suit of armour out of the choices of attire that you were offered. But you are unwise to say that you will not serve me. I have many ways of enforcing your obedience...

"Do you need a further demonstration of my power over you?"

"It will take more than that to get me to do your bidding, dragon!" she sneered.

"Very well, then. A further demonstration of my power you shall have."

Suddenly, Fred found a helmet in her hands. It matched the armor she now wore, and had what looked like wings on the side.

"Put it on!" the voice commanded.

"I think not, you miserable -"


Involuntarily, Fred's hands reached up and placed the helmet on her head. As she did, she began to change again.

Her eyes quickly turned blood red. Her face elongated until it was literally a snout. Her body retained its basic shape, but her skin rapidly grew rougher until it was literally covered with multi-colored scales. Her fingers grew and curved until they were tipped with wicked looking claws, and her feet also expanded similarly. Her armor changed to accommodate the three-foot tail that sprouted from her back. The final change lifted her off the ground as a pair of leathery wings sprang from her back.

Fred didn't appear alarmed by these new changes. In fact, all she did was hover placidly, her new forked tongue darting in and out of her snout.

"Now, servant," the dragon's voice commanded, "Tell me who you are."

"SSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTHHHHHHHH!!!!" came the reply. "I am Fffffrozh, and I am the Captain of the Deffffendersssss of the Holy Dragon!"

"And do you know me?"

"Yesssss! You are the Holy and Wissssse Dragon, oh massssster! You havvvve but to speak, and I willlllll obey!"

"And will you do whatever I ask?"

Frozh flew strait up to the top of the cavern. "Annnything, glorrrrious one! If need be, my llllllife shhhhhhall be forfffffiet at your ssssslightest whim! Mmmmy obedienccccce is unquessssstioned and totalllll, oh masssssster!" And to punctuate her zeal, Frozh opened her mouth and spewed forth a stream of fire that illuminated the dank cavern, before descending back to the floor.

"Excellent!" the dragon replied. "Now, come to my cavern immediately!"

And so while the dragon-lady happily rushes off to meet her god and creator, the Dragon, makes arrangements to drag yet another reality's dragonslayer putzing about their Southern Caverns into the Caves of the Witch of the White House.

Slith could swear by Artiemis's bow he saw a struggling spirit within the dragon lady, fighting for control of the body....but he wasn't sure.....

Anyway, the dragon&#8211;by doing it this way&#8211;he'd gain yet another valuable fighter with the extensive, versatile training of a dragonslayer while making them completely loyal to him! Making an obstacle to his power and remaking them into one of his own tools! Oh, it wasn't perfect (this plan and such)...and not without danger, this way, but no way to power and glory was without risk!

So the dragon chuckled as he had another bite of slightly charred (and very dead) witch....

"So much has changed....and will change before I'm done," the dragon smiles evilly, looking over at the map of a rival dragon located within. The Dragon of the Southern Caverns, as those of the Great Kingdom called him. It was going to be a cakewalk, as the mages were saying nowaday.

The dragon had a vague feeling of something having been important to him so long ago within that complex of caves. Something or somebody important that the witch had tried to bargain with, promising to aid him in getting if he'd spare her life.... He'd laughed and killed her where she kneeled, begging. As if a dragon needed aid from a lowly human in getting what he wanted. All he needed to do was want it, and soon enough....it would be his.

  1. The vision faded and Slith staggered into his long time friend and commander, Kang....
  2. But what of the other Jarlath (Jarlath 2) and his friends? What did they do before Slith made the scene? Well....

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