A side note, and goodbye

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1817

Fred jumps over to the downed fox, and finds that he indeed hit what he was aiming for. He picks up the dead tom, the male fox, and proceeds to prepare the little beast for this evenings meal.

Fred sighs as he eats the meal of fox. He is out of time and out of patience. This side trip was at an end. Fred just hoped that wherever Astra really was, she was safe and happy.

The next day, Fred heads for the nearest hamlet to reequip and then go out to kill yet another dragon (that was his job after all).


The vixen scampers away in fright as the arrow kills her mate. Fear and sorrow courses it's way through her little cannine mind as she soon stops and pants in reaction. She howls her sorrow to the moon above, and dimly wonders how she will be able to care for herself and the kits she instinctively knows she now carries. Perhaps she could seek out a pack of foxes and join?

"Come little sister," a young sounding boys voice calls from the shadows. "Let a fellow vulpine brother lend you aid."

The vixen starts, ready to yet again run for her life, but pauses in confusion. She makes an inquiring yipping noise, ears perked forward, and then approaches the voice. Her nose tells her that the source of the voice is giving off the smell of a fox.....along with other fox smell sources. Her sharp eyes make out the odd shapes of little human looking boys and girls coming out from the shadows. She then sits and grins as she sees the forms of the people become more clear. Instinctively, she knows that these foxed eared and tailed beings are somehow cousins of her, and as such can be trusted.

"Will you look at that," one demi-fox sighs, catching the signs. "She's another one of Minestus' victims. I wonder who she was?"

"Well," sighs another, scratching the vixen behind the ear like a dog, causing the vixen to grin and lean into the motion. "As it is for the term of the pregnancy, she's stuck in this form, with the mind of a animal ......."

  1. "And when she DOES regain her senses," a vixen sighs. "The time limit for whatever cure there is for this lycanthropy will have run it's course. She'll be stuck a demi-fox."
  2. "Perhaps we should tell that knight who about this vixen's plight?" a youngster asks. "Don't human knights do that sort of stuff? I heard the stories you told about them!"
  3. "Perhaps it's for the best that when she awakes," a vixen sighs. "That one bastard of a mage wants her dead. When she awakens, she'll have forgotten her existance as a human....That's just as good!"
  4. "...it's best we give her our care and love." Meanwhile Fred has his own problems.

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