EMH and Medical Attention

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18097

Either they must be done, and done quickly to save her, or it shall not be done at all!

Several fireballs fly at the guards massed in the doorway, causing the guards to scream and dive out of the way, back into the hallway. The smart money would have been before now to rush and attack the mages hand to hand instead of gawking, but that chance was gone. Those who were quick enough to get enough out of the way to only get singed realize that Emry is still in the room they'd just vacated. They rush back to lay down their lives for their king if need be to defend him, only to come face to snout with Synizn in dragon form.

The room that the queen had been sequestered away in is small by royal standards, but huge by any other standard. Nothing less would do for a queen, even if she was a prisoner. It's large enough for Synizn to change into his dragon form (albeit in it's smallest version...remember dragons can control their size....cuts down on moving expense of moving to larger and larger lairs).

What the fireballs fail to do, dragon fear and dragonfire finish off the thugs (those who didn't piss in their pants and ran off screaming). See, the guards were formidable in their own rights, but it took specialized (and expensive) training of a dragonslayer to stand up to Synizn's aura. That or long association with dragons, understand. So as neither was the case with the guards......

Now, understand, without the Crystallic Synizn would never have been able to get into the castle. Those who can afford it have wards that would have detected Synizn's (and other magical types) true nature, alerting guards who could counter attack from afar (well out of range of the dragon fear. Indeed, the ability to magically teleport in and out of even the most secure locations had (along side it's transformation abilities) had been a big fear amongst those of Terra Prime (and many parallel worlds) who knew of it.

Indeed, even those who haled from realities where science based matter teleportation was the norm were leary of it. They knew how to block science based teleporter technology. With this freaky Atlantian artifact , one could teleport a strike team..... And it was so bloody small (hand portable) compared to regular teleport technology!!

Well, you get the picture. Needless to say, if Crystallics were a common thing, then the security scene would be nightmarish. Even so, the Security folks who've got facilities on Terra Prime take security measures that might seem on the paranoid side....just in case.....


So with that, let's turn back to the story.


"See you got him," I say, looking down at the royal corpse that lays at Fred the satyre's hooved feet.

He nods grimly and then goes over to his love, Astra the satyre, who is looking on as Andrea is working over the unconscious Queen.

Having only known him for a relatively short time, I still know that he's enough like my brothers Fred to know that he'd gotten no joy from it. Rather, it was a task that had to be done. Something on the order of cleaning dirty laundry or such. Something that had to be done, else it would only get worse as time went on if left undone.

Glancing down at the corpse, I somehow imagine the look of horror on the old boy's face has something more to do with than Synizn (who's now back in human form). Rather, a look of recognition lingers in his now glassy eyes is there. Like he somehow recognized the man who'd he'd sent off to die through that mop of hair and beard.

Short of a seance I'm never going to find out, and after a spell that incinerates the body (no ghost please) I shan't have even that.

Not that I'm interested. One has priorities, see.

"We need an evac now!" I call to the other Synizn on the Key, "The Queen's injured and needs medical attention!"

A momentary sense of disorientation and I find myself standing before the bearer of the Crystallic, Synizn 3.

"Doctor, would you be so kind," the dragon mage says tiredly to the bald holographic Voyager medic, "Would do it myself, but after all this teleporting around of personnel and material so many times today was rather taxing on me."

The person in question glances at the mage with the Atlantian gem, and then over at the burnt member of royalty on the floor, and doesn't even bother to reply. Instead, he rushes over to save a life.

"Yep, one needs priorities," I says softly to myself, helping the taxed dragon mage to a seat, "Besides, at this moment in time her chances of survival are about the same whether magic or super science is used."

Yep, even with magic augmented by the Crystallic.

I and the other mages are rather skilled in many areas of magic, but we can't hold a candle to the expertise of the EMH here in medical healings as far as burns go.....

Moments later, I've taken the liberty of using the Crystallic to send Andrea to contact Exotica.

"Exotica," she says slowly, "Sit down. I've got news you need to hear."

Numbly, Exotica sits, fearing the worst.

"She's alive," the demifox vixen says, "But she'll take a long time to recover. Would you like to go to her now?"

  1. Needless to say, that's a silly question!

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