Tension building....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18056

As he gets closer, I'm able to recognise him as my father!


"What now?" Exotica whispers to herself, at a loss for a moment on what exactly to do....

Now, according to the savant who crafted (or "modified") this mechanism, he had added a few features for "those of a terminal mindset." He mentioned something about borrowing a small quantity of material called something like "seefor" (whatever that is....got it from somebody named Steve Macy back in Nantucket), enhancing it with some common household chemicals (something he'd learned from a "dropship" trooper friend) to make it a bit more deadly. Now, while if I activate this feature while standing near enough my image say the monster who I called my father would be either killed or maimed , Eric had said that thee resultant sound from the explosion would be rather loud.

While I could perhaps get close enough to him and kill him (sacrificing the emitter in the process), I could be putting my friends (and perhaps even my mother) at risk when guards came to investigate.

Hmm....I see now that he's not alone. Blondin is with him (and the fellow looks rather bruised and bashed about).

My father seems to be involved in a rather heated discussion with the mage (I hear enough to guess that my father is making a threat to Blondin if he doesn't do exactly what he is told).

"But....she's your wife!" Blondin protests, aghast.

He and my father stop, the argument getting more and more heated, not noticing me (aided in part by the fact I've moved out of view into the shadows).

Blondin, a servant daring to argue with his liege lord? Man's loyal to the bone, but the fact that something has disturbed him enough for him to protest speaks ill to me.

  1. I frankly don't think that my mother has much time here, so I sneak into a side passage (out of sight) and rush off to meet with my friends to hurry up the rescue efforts! (Take 2)
  2. I franklly don't think that my mother has much time here, so I sneak into a side passage (out of sight) and rush off to meet with my friends to hurry up the rescue efforts!

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