A new friend?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18028

......neither actually had expected that they and the handful of others in the adventuring group got her in this rather famous bar in Star Trekdom.

Hoping for a break, that Darvin would unknowingly follow his TV counterpart, the manhunt was laid out to snare him at the locations that Betty and Ragan remembered him being in that story. Not wanting to put all their eggs in one basket, however, Sisko also had teams secretly sweeping K-7 and the Enterprise as well

Baley and Daneel, law enforcement officers (even if way out of their jurisdiction), insisted on lending a hand. After that display of intelligence awhile ago on the bridge (and magical abilities), Sisko wasn't about to dismiss how useful Baley and his friends would be in this hunt.

However, Betty and Ragan hadn't expected to end up here, in the bar.....

Baley, finding out about Darvin having been in this bar earlier, had insisted on his friends coming here. In case things came apart, a magic spell or two could be the very thing! Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but one must be prepared.

Betty and Ragan, understanding about their magical abilities being needed, still had to wonder just how Daneel had managed to talk her into this.

Dressed in contemporary clothing, the group came and were now spread out at strategic locations throughout the bar. Sigin and the Doctor had looked almost ready to revolt at having to wear the outfits (no style!), but they had sighed and done it anyway.

Amazingly enough, both Sigin's and the Doctor's character hadn't shown through their disguises to call attention to themselves (yet)....but even Daneel knew the two well enough to know that this didn't suit them.

The sooner Darvin is captured the sooner I shall be taking off this blasted jumpsuit, Sigin muttered to the others, mentally.

The Doctor echoed that sentiment. Betty and the others suppressed a chuckle at that. Well, most of them, actually, except for B'Elanna.

She knew that they were coming, and dreaded it.

Like the other elves, the rest of the bar mistakenly believes them to be some kind of alien species (similar to the Vulcans with those ears). Nothing supernatural, they mistakenly believe. B'Elanna, in her leaf green outfit, was doing nothing to break that illusion.

No, it wasn't the people.

According to Betty, the man carrying the first was aboard K-7 and Baley had privately pointed out the merchant who carried the tribble.

He at first tries to hock his other wares to the bartender for a drink. Then, seeing a possible customer in Uhura he pulls out the horrid thing! It begins to trill and the former half Klingon expects the nausea ....but....

She's rather surprised to find it.....pleasing to her elfin ears!


Next Betty and the others notice as B'Elanna comes back over from the bar after Uhura had left with her tribble was that the blonde elf had a tribble of her own! She seems to be rather taken by it by the way she's petting it.

Told you that you'd like them, Elrondir chuckles, knowing that things were different now with her being an elf.

  1. A bit later....

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