The Black Hole

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17891

Your beautiful companion tells you her name is Jamira and that she is a black elf. The black elves are renowned for their hunting skills and you realise Belboz has conjured you a worthy companion for your perilous quest. But you have no time to ponder further as your quest becomes slightly more perilous than it already was. Deep in thought, you have been striding along in the darkness, but suddenly there is nothing beneath your feet! The ground has fallen away beneath you and you find yourself plunging into a bottomless pit. Do you:

  1. Shout out Jamira's name to draw her attention to your desperate plight?
  2. Shout out Belboz' name in the hope that he has bloody good hearing?
  3. Search your backpack for something to use to save you?

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