Even Dead, Betty is STILL Having a Bad Day

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17556

"Astronomy!" shouted Betty in Mrs. Crabitz' ear. "Astronomy, you ignorant cretin!" Neither of them paid the slightest attention to her, of course. She was rapidly getting very tired of this whole invisible/inaudible/intangible/incorporeal thing. Stepping back from the Crabitzes (who were now engaged in speculating as to what the deceased's star sign might have been), she looked up to the heavens, as if expecting to see Death riding his white horse (Binky) overhead. "You're no longer my favorite Discworld character," she muttered. Death failed to appear in response.

  1. So, Betty...
  2. Meanwhile, Fred and Astra...
  3. Meanwhile, Helena...
  4. Meanwhile, George...
  5. Meanwhile, the mailman (remember him?)...

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ragan (Gawd, if I had a nickel for every time I heard THAT...)

11/3/2001 6:35:19 PM

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