Reyna, Pet Vixen

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17527

I am intrigued. Why does this troop of soldiers have a magic user accompanying it - and a female one at that? And why has she chosen such an apparently unlikely moment to try to acquire a pet? The chance to find out the answers to these questions, and more importantly to sit in on their discussions, seems too good to pass up, and to be well worth the slight risk involved. I emerge from my hiding place, trot across to the woman's tent, and pass inside, wagging my tail and doing my best to look like a tamed, loving pet.

The woman is surprisingly young, twenty at most. She is very attractive: tall and slim, with long dark hair. She wears a long plain gown of burgundy red. I wonder whether she rides side-saddle (for the troop must have travelled here on horseback), or whether she has a separate riding outfit. She gives an impression of calmness and competence.

She has a collar and leash in her hand, and I nearly back away. But I reflect that I have no intention of changing my form anywhere in the locality of the camp, and that once I return to the village where our group is based then one of my friends can remove it for me.

The woman smiles at me. She ignores the calls for her, but carries on with her binding spell, unaware that it is having no effect on me whatsoever. When she has finished, she says: "Good. I name you Reyna." She fastens the collar about my neck, and holds the other end of the leash. I look up at her, and do my best to put an adoring expression on my vulpine face.

Just then, a man bursts into her tent. From the high quality of his armour, I guess that he may be the leader of the troop. The woman frowns. "You forget yourself, Sir Guy," she says. "A man should not enter the tent of even a serving maid uninvited, never mind that of the Princess Exotica."

Now that is a surprise! Prince Cederik's briefing has mentioned Emry's daughter, and that she dabbles in magic, but what on Terra can she be doing here? Hopefully I shall soon find out.

"I am sorry, Your Highness," Sir Guy says. "But we are waiting for you so that we can begin our planning session. Did you not hear the guards calling for you?"

"Yes, I did. But I was in the middle of casting a binding spell to make this delightful little creature my pet. Had I broken off with the spell incomplete, she might have fled. Next time, you and your aides will be more patient - unless you want to find out what an angered sorceress can do. Do I make myself clear?"

  1. "Yes, Your Highness," Sir Guy says. He sounds rather sullen. All does not appear to be sweetness and light in this camp.

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