Non Plus Astra Ex

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1751

"Blast!" yelled out the man in the green robes. "That diabolical beast cured the wench of the poison."

"So it seems m'Lord."

"Go to the Tower," he continued. "Tell Ibn and the other one to begin their art. The wench and her unholy offspring must be destroyed."

"As you command, m'Lord."

After the lower attendant had left, another voice spoke up: "And what of the nobleman?"

"Aaaah," began the man in green. "He shall be dessert."


The mountain mage had already begun the arcane rituals that would rectify the blood curse and hopefully mollify any pernicious spirits. All seemed well until the 11th hour.

"AAAAAAiiighhhhhh!!!!!" screamed out Astra.

And from that moment until the 13th hour the screaming did not cease. The mage tried to compensate, he attempted magical manuevers, but all to no avail. He was ignorant that two other mages were stationed in a tower of the city, he was ignorant that they had been given a lock of the princess' vixen hair, he was ignorant that they were creating the situation that the warrior princess had found herself in, and as they say: ignorance is fatal.

"Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!" cried out poor Lord Fred when he heard the news that she was dead, and that nothing could be done to revive her or her litter of kits. He had gone through so much with her; they had traversed the den of a dragon, had traveled the sands of the Calamari, had lost and found eachother again and again, and now she was no more. It was not just that she should die a prisoner within a body not even her own, in a land that called her stranger not princess.

But such is life.

  1. Lord Fred swears to avenge her death against the inhabitants of all the shadow-city.
  2. Lord Fred undergoes his own healing ritual, and once cleansed of the pseudo-lycanthropy, begins the trek back to the Great Kingdom.

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