Having Left off on the Left Side...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17400

To take the left-hand entrance.


"If it's all the same I'd rather deal with Belboz," I say, "While meeting this world's Astra, if by some miracle she's here, would be interesting, I'd rather not have a necromancer at my back."

Belboz, in my opinion, was the first thing needing to be taken care of. Not to say that the dragon isn't dangerous, but he's just somebody I'd rather not running around loose.

This quest got delayed for around ten years because I made a mistake about Belboz. Fellow knights from my homeland have gone missing (perhaps dead...perhaps dancing....) Because of him, I now wear a body that I find rather nice, but we all know that he had not done it out of any sense of kindness.

Moments later.....

"Wha...what do you want?" Belboz says nervously, looking at the array of weapons and spells ready to cut him down.

I get the feeling that this hadn't been in his game plan. I think he's been doing this for quiet a while, ambushing knights sent against the dragon by appearing as a slightly befuddled man of magic who may be helpful in completing a quest, only to then striking the unsuspecting one at the right moment.

Goodness knows, that I know it worked on me!

I'd have to be an utter fool to fall for the same old gag the second time around!

I and my friends shall not be caught unaware.

Dependant on how Belboz answers will determine on how we put him out of the way (violently or otherwise). But being a knight means I uphold certain values, and I shall not become a monster in the course of getting a quest done.

"We need to talk," I say, causing the necromancer to pay attention to me instead of the weapons on him.

His eyes grow large when he recognizes me.

For one fleeting second I'm wondering if he's admiring his handy work.

Flagg may have made this change permanent, but Belboz set down the initial work.....

"Sir Fred?" he whispers, shocked.

He's warned not to resist as Andrea casts a truth spell upon him. Glassy eyed, Belboz is pronounced ready.

  1. "Call myself Joan now," I says, smiling slightly, "But to business..."

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