The Missing TARDIS

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17341

Fred Four, Astra Four and Sir Cuitous were attracting curious looks from the locals as they sat in the waiting room. At least, Fred and Astra sat and Sir Cuitous floated. Though nobody actually said anything to them, all three felt uncomfortable to a greater or lesser degree, and they hoped that they would soon be shown in to see the doctor. Then they would have to try to persuade him to come and see a patient who was too ill to be moved, ie Gareth.

Suddenly the waiting room seemed to fade out of existence, and a different room faded in in its place. With the chairs that had been underneath them no longer there, Fred and Astra Four fell heavily on their backsides (Sir Cuitous didn't have a backside to fall on, of course). "Sorry about that," the room's other occupant said. He was a wild-haired old man sitting on a chair. Four other chairs were the room's only other furniture. "I'm afraid I didn't have quite the degree of fine control needed to rematerialise you precisely over the chairs in this room," the man went on, "but please won't you sit down now. I have some explanations to give you. I wouldn't want to cause you any distress when you discover that your friends and your TARDIS are missing. Oh, and don't worry about Gareth. The doctors here could have done nothing for him, but he has gone with the others to the one man who can cure him."

The Enemy fleet had gathered, and all was ready. They emerged into real space near Logopolis. But they soon realised that something was wrong. Their sensors told them that the TARDIS that they sought was no longer there. But that was impossible! There had not been time for it to be repaired. Making any further journey before it was repaired would represent a considerable risk to those on board. Why should its crew do that? The Ship brooded. Was it possible that there was a traitor in their ranks who had somehow managed to betray their plans to the Blue Faction?

  1. Sensors in Logopolis detect the fleet and an alert is sounded.
  2. The Ship decides to attack the City anyway. Should the TARDIS return, the repair facilities will have been destroyed.
  3. The Ship decides that there is no point in attacking the City if the TARDIS is no longer there.

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